Tone Facts

-I’ve been laughed at for eating an apple.

-I used to pee in the sink.

-When I was a little girl I yelled at a man who rear ended our car for making me spill my orange soda.

-I can live off beef jerky and blueberries.

-I made an “I Sharted” hat and made my friend who didn’t fart wear it in a picture.

-Half of the local Kroger employees once called off, or tried to, due to a party at my house. None of them turned into zombies.

-I’ve played one of Flyleaf’s guitars. I also hung out with their drum and guitar techs at the hotel we were at and we wrote a little song.

-Ben Burnley gave me his water at a show because I almost passed out after getting punched in the chest by some dumb b-word.

-I would rather drive in Columbus than the small town I live in.

-I somehow ended up with over a dozen shirts from a local band I had never seen. This also happened with a huge stack of stickers.

-I make friends with random strangers when I go to the bathroom.

-I went to the county fair dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow and didn’t break character. I was offered a job to hang out by the pharaoh ship ride but declined because I was Captain Jack Sparrow and I wouldn’t work for anyone else, and also because it was an effing PHARAOH ship.

-I’ve seen every season of the OC almost a dozen times and still laugh when Seth or Summer are on the screen.

-Whenever someone doubts my awesomeness I reassure them by letting them know I play tetris and therefore I got this.

-When I was in 4th grade we did an experiment in which we used 9volts and wires to light up flashlight bulbs. That weekend I applied the same technique to an electric outlet and a 60watt bulb. (It doesn’t turn out the same way, just in case you were wondering)

-Ever since I was 17 and a large hardware merch truck tried to run me off the road I slur my words and mash them together like crazy. (and two years later I found out it was a friend I hadn’t seen in several years trying to flag me down cuz they missed my awesomeness.)

-3am freaks me the eff out and I’m always afraid a demon’s going to try to eat my soul so I do a little Jesus chant in my head and practice ninja moves to protect myself.

-I’m fairly certain I’m some kind of weird experiment where whoever owns Hollywood put implants in my lower eyelids and everything I say and do ends up in movies.

-I’ve never seen the ocean.

-If ever I lose my left arm, I’m confident I’ll get along just fine thanks to Meg constantly occupying it. I’ve gotten plenty of practice as a one armed person this way.

-If I ever lose my right arm I’m completely screwed.

-I love live music. Music in general, really. It’s actually my greatest passion.

-Emmitt Smith broke my heart when I was a little girl.

-I study anatomy in my free time. I want to be a paramedic or er surgeon.

-Yo hablo muy pequino espanol.

-I want to be super fluent in Japanese and make my own manga, which I already have the story line and character designs for.

-Shiny objects will be the death of me.

If you ever want to know anything else just send an email to and I’ll answer. Probably. Maybe.